Facilitator Certification Events

March 18 – 20, 2025
June 17-19, 2025
September 16-18, 2025
Nov. 18-20, 2025

Consentia Group Facilitator Certification

Request A Debrief

Certification ensures that you are fully equipped to facilitate content fully and accurately for the desired result.  As a certified facilitator, you are entrusted to use the copyrighted and patented processes of both the SDI 2.0 assessments and The Essential for Ministry® Workshops developed by Consentia Group. 

Certification requires three half days (12+ hours) of training, which is available through Virtual Certification. When you complete the Facilitator Certification course you will receive the following:


SDI 2.0 Psychometric Assessment License

  • Your certification qualifies you to access the SDI 2.0 assessments at a 50% discount (non-profit rate and ministry rate only accessible through the Consentia Group’s portal)
  • The SDI 2.0 shows who you are and how you work through four interrelated views:
    • Motives:  The three core motives behind your approach to people, performance, and process. This blend is expressed as your Motivational Value System (MVS).
    • Conflict:  Your Conflict Sequence, a unique result, shows your changing motives as conflict escalates, giving you the chance to correct course.
    • Strengths:  Your Strengths Portrait presents all 28 strengths you use. It also reveals how our motives drive the strengths we use most.
    • Overdone Strengths:  Everyone pushes their strengths too far in some cases. You’ll learn which ones you overdo—insight that can keep you from losing effectiveness.
Core 4 - Essential 4 Life - Consentia Group

The Essential 4 For Ministry® Workshops:

CommUNITY  | Building community that develops unity

TeamLIFE | Strengthen teams for effective ministry

Changed2Lead | Develop leadership excellence

Soul Mates For Life | Fortify marriages and outreach to your community

Consentia Group | Supporting You Along The Way

  • Slide decks for each workshop with notes
  • Training videos for review and ongoing learning available online whenever needed for facilitators
  • Support resources for teaching and promoting training events (i.e. brochures, name tags and name tents, support literature)

Relational Intelligence is a powerful leadership tool. Whether it be a Fortune 500 company or a small church congregation, relational intelligence is key to helping your organization thrive.

The Complete Core Strengths Slide Deck


  • All the powerful learning activities with video training for review
  • Teaching slides for the Relational Awareness Concepts
  • Not just PDF’s but source slides so you can customize your training for your organization


Slide Presentation

The Core Strengths Platform

What if you had instant access into everyone’s unique personality style? 

The Core Strengths platform builds relationship intelligence (RQ) across your entire network. And as more people take the SDI 2.0, others can access their results, allowing the frame of reference for navigating personality styles to spread throughout the organization or ministry. This focused effort on strengthening their relationships pays off quickly with both individual and group results.

With the platform you will have the ability to: 

  • Review personalized SDI 2.0 assessments
  • Access to online training videos to review concepts
  • Compare profiles with coworkers & teams for fresh insight on how to approach conversations, presentations, and difficulties
  • Form teams to gain insights about working together more effectively
  • Integrate Google & Microsoft for instantaneous relational tips
  • Download the Corestrengths Presenter used for facilitating workshops effectively