Leadership Development Within Your Organization

Changed2LEAD is a leadership training program designed to develop leaders in the local church. The program is divided into 12 units, each addressing a different aspect of leadership from a relational perspective.

The coursework in each unit includes preparation through reading and reflection, an interactive workshop, and recording growth plans. An extensive participant notebook coupled with our patented SDI 2.0 serve as catalysts in the self-discovery process.

Relational Intelligence is a powerful relationship building tool. Whether it be a Fortune 500 company or a small church congregation, relational intelligence is key to helping relationships thrive.


Relational Intelligence | Leadership

Relational Intelligence is the ability to understand our motives and strengths, as well as those of the people around us. Equipping church leadership with Relational Intelligence allows them to connect with people across a diverse spectrum of personalities, motivations, and experiences while also keeping the church’s growth objectives in sight.

Change2Lead Leadership Workshop Format

The Changed2LEAD Leadership Workshop is divided into 12 units that can be delivered monthly. Leadership topics explored include:

  • Leads Change with a Healthy Process
  • Communicates Effectively
  • Gives Feedback that Keeps People on Track
  • Motivates People to a Vision
  • Builds Trust
  • Forms High Functioning Teams
  • Multiplies Leaders
  • Builds a Discipleship Culture
  • Develops a Flexible Leadership Style
  • Navigates Conflict Successfully
  • Creative in Solutions
  • Rigorous in Responsibility

Unlock The Power of Relational Intelligence

Discover the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI 2.0) for yourself.

Test Drive The SDI 2.0
Core 4 - Essential 4 Life - Consentia Group

Consentia Group Workshops

Changed2LEAD is one of four Relational Intelligence Workshops offered by Certified Consentia Group Facilitators. Our additional workshops include; CommUNITY Ministry, Soul Mates for Life Marriage, and TeamLife Team Building

Each workshop is a journey of self-discovery supported by related materials and the SDI 2.0 personalized assessment.

Becoming a Consentia Group Certified Facilitator

Would you like to share the power of Relational Intelligence? We invite you to inquire about becoming a Consentia Group Certified Facilitator. Our certification program provides individuals and organizations with the necessary tools needed to achieve overcome conflict and achieve maximize potential. 

By becoming a Certified Facilitator, you are able to train other leaders within your organization, saving time and money on conferences and effective resources.

Certification offers you every product needed for teaching life-changing skills. You will have access to all four of our workshops, slide decks, the Core Strengths platform, and access to SDI 2.0 assessments.

Consentia Group will be there along the way to support you throughout your initial training and beyond with our online resource center. 

Learn More